Weight Loss Tips - Eating Habits

What are the best weight loss tips? Something many of us have spent considerable time on the internet.

Based on my own experience (https://www.pradhyumna.com/intermittent-fasting-a-do-it-yourself-guide/ and other articles within) I can share some tips that I am sure will help most people (unless you have some underlying medical condition, the following shouldnt effect you in a negative manner)

Now what are these weight loss tips

This set has to do with what you should eat as well what you shouldnt eat.

  1. The most important tip - Get into a calorific deficit. If this doesnt happen, then most likely you will not lose weight. Its as simple as that. The next few tips are all about how one can consistently be on a calorific deficit
  2. Eat fewer meals - No, this does not mean I starve myself. It means, that I dont have to eat times a day and snack like crazy. The best way to do this would be to practise intermittent fasting.
  3. Drink More Water - It may be that you're not hungry but actually thirsty. Drink More Water. Cut the unnecessary carbs
  4. Eat more protein - Whether youre a vegetarian, vegan or a carnivore... Eat protein rich meals. You'll feel less hungry and will tend to not over eat.
  5. No Snacking - This is harder than it looks and may probably be the most effective tool for quick weight loss. You will be surprised at how quick you will start losing weight once you stop snacking aling with the above steps.
  6. Eat some dark chocolate regularly - I personally experience sweet cravings and this is particularly useful to stave these away. Eating some mints will be more effective but these arent that good for your health. Dak chocolate will work magic.
  7. Eating schedule - Especially important if youre a working professional. We tend to indulge a bit more at the office on account of work stress. Be careful of that.
  8. Cut on Alcohol - As someone who doesnt drink, this particular one is not something I can talk about. But by all accounts, this seems to work. Celebs that have used this to their advantage include Ed Sheeran (https://www.thethings.com/secret-ed-sheerans-50-pound-weight-loss/#:~:text=Ed also revealed that he,swimming%2C and sit-ups.&text=“I was eating like a,he reached his desired weight.)

Hope you guys check these out yourselves. The next article will look at other Weight Loss Tips in terms of exercise etc.